Veganuary and the vegan sausage (t)rolls: conflict and commercial engagement in online climate-diet discourse

Veganuary and the vegan sausage (t)rolls: conflict and commercial engagement in online climate-diet discourse

Mary Sanford1 and Jamie Lorimer2

1 Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

2 School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

beans 2014062

Social media platforms have become critical venues for a wide spectrum of influence campaigns, from activism to advertising. Sometimes these two ends overlap and it remains unknown how the latter might impact the former. Situated within contemporary scholarship on vegan activism, this work examines corporate involvement with the Veganuary 2019 campaign on Twitter, as well as the antagonistic backlash it received. We find that the activists and commercial entities engage mostly separate audiences, suggesting that commercial campaigns do little to drive interactions with Veganuary activism. We also discover strong threads of antagonism reflecting the “culture wars" surrounding discussions of veganism and climate-diet science. These findings inform our understanding of the challenges facing climate-diet discourses on social media and motivate further research into the role of commercial agents in online activism.



Publication details

Sanford, M., Lorimer, J. Veganuary and the vegan sausage (t)rolls: conflict and commercial engagement in online climate-diet discourse. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 9, 455 (2022).