Feeding the future study (FEED): volunteers wanted

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Diets in the UK have seen large changes in recent years, with more of us adopting or experimenting with different eating habits, including flexitarian, vegetarian and vegan. But we know very little about what people following these different diets actually eat, or the motivations behind their choices.

Feeding the future study (FEED) is an online study, set up to investigate contemporary diets in British adults, and the motivations and personal characteristics associated with choosing how we eat.


Keren Papier, a Senior Nutritional Epidemiologist who is leading the study says: “We want to understand the way that people eat now and why? Our hope is that this will improve knowledge about the differences in disease risks observed in low and non-meat eaters and inform future research and dietary recommendations.” 

Whether you are a vegan, a flexitarian or an omnivore, Feeding the future (FEED) is asking for your support.

The team is looking for volunteers aged 18 years or more who are UK residents to complete a one-off 20 minute online survey that will collect information about diet, personal characteristics, and the motivations for eating habits. Participation is voluntary, and people can opt out at any time. The link to the study is here.

The co-ordinating centre is based in the Cancer Epidemiology Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford and is funded by the Wellcome “Our Planet Our Health” programme “Livestock, Environment and People (LEAP)”, and by the World Health Organization. 


CUREC Approval Reference: R79226/RE001